Shijiazhuang Everlight Trade Co.,Ltd.

Electrode Selectio

Electrode Selection need ensure welding structural safety and the premise of a viable use, according to the chemical composition of the welding material, mechanical properties, thickness and joint form and welding construction conditions to select stick electrodes.

First, consider the weld metal mechanical properties and chemical composition.For ordinary structural steel should be used in the deposited metal tensile strength equal to or slightly higher than the electrode base material. For alloy structural steel, alloy composition may also require the same or close to the base material.

Next, consider the use of welded components performance and working conditions.To withstand shock loads and loads of weldments, in addition to meet the strength requirements, primarily to ensure that the weld metal has a high impact toughness and ductility, higher toughness index low hydrogen electrodes. Welding parts at high temperature, low temperature, wear or other special conditions of work, should choose the appropriate heat-resistant steel, low temperature steel, welding or other special purpose welding rod.

Finally, consider the construction conditions and economic benefits. In meeting the requirements of product performance, it should be used with good acid stick electrode.In a small or poorly ventilated situations, should be used in low dust electrodes or acid electrode.

stick electrode